A Great Gamer and a Prince of a Man has Left the Building
For those who haven't heard: On December 20th, David (Decker) Howard died suddenly of a massive brain aneurysm. He was in his late forties.
The wake will be at 8:00pm on New Years Eve (12/31) at his house in Indianapolis. It has been requested no flowers be sent; however, please send or bring any photos of good times with David.
He was a part of the community that I think of as centered (at least for a little while) around SPB and my father's open heart and our home, so I'm leaving a memorial here on my fathers memorial blog. [This short summary will be replaced with a larger tribute post after the wake.]
I looked up to Dave in so many ways when I was younger. It's disorienting to lose those you respect the most.
The stories forwarded by folks of my dad were awesome and inspiring. If you'd like to leave a comment or send me an email of thoughts you'd like posted, I'd be very happy to add them to this post.